Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Reading Around the Blogs: Bankruptcy Related Blogs

While working on Revisiting Assignments for the Benefit of Creditors, I ran across a few new bankruptcy blogs. That is they are new to me.

  1. Bankruptcy Beach For Creditors and Their Lawyers. My first impression is a blog geared to California and the Ninth Circuit. Good to see a creditor oriented blog.
  2. Asset Protection. Here is a strange creature - a blog without comments, without RSS feed, but huge amounts of information. I tried reading one post containing what appears to be the entire court's opinion but gave up. I must warn anyone from Indiana, the Indiana exemption information is out of date. I did sign up for their e-mail newsletter, though.
  3. Stark & Stark publishes The New Jersey Law Blog which has a bankruptcy page. Concisely and well written. Comments and a RSS feed.
  4. Split Circuits A blog dedicated to tracking developments concerning splits among the federal circuit courts. Not exactly bankruptcy but I was unaware of it until yesterday and a blog tracking splits in the federal circuits can only be described as useful.