Thursday, February 7, 2008

Practice Management: Why Here Is There and There is Here

With the Internet and tools like this:

Google Apps is a cool way to collaborate on documents with co-workers and share calendars online. But up to now, you've had to go through the hassle of associating Google Apps with your domain if you wanted to have a set of documents and calendars just for you and others at your company. Today Google's launching a free service, Google Apps Team Edition, which lets you set up your company's Google Apps universe just by entering an e-mail address.
People soon will have the ability to work anywhere with anyone anywhere. I have only two reservations.

First, I am not sure about the security for this particular application. I am looking at Zoho and some other providers. See Google Makes it Easier to Share Documents with Co-Workers for more about how Google implements this app.

Second, I can afford to wait as either my clients - at this time - have either dial-up or e-mail suffices for their needs.