Indiana law Blogs
I ran across a few new - to me - Indiana law blogs that might be of interest here.
First, Harrison & Moberly publishes a blog here. Not a very extensive list of archives, no RSS feed, and it does seem mostly to be a repository of the firm's employment law newsletters.
Second, the Judicial Technology & Automation Committee of the Indiana Supreme Court began publishing the Bits & Bytes Blog. No RSS feed either - which is a bit weird considering who is publishing the blog. Mostly news about e-ticket, the Odyssey case management program and the like.
I found a blog at Bose, McKinney & Evans. No name to it , but it does have an RSS feed and a topical archive. What I found was brief analysis of Indiana appellate court opinions - mostly a quote of the facts and a quote of the key reasoning. Which seems both a bit barren and a good idea at the same time.
Indiana University's Law Journal has a blog, The Indiana Law Journal Supplement, as an adjunct to its regular law review publications. I thought this might be a first until I did a quick Google search and found The MTTLR Blog which has a sidebar of similar blogs. (I am spending very little time nowadays reading law reviews online or visiting their websites). Pretty cool but can anyone explain to me why no RSS feed?
Last of the new ones, although not as new as the preceding ones. I thought I had previously mentioned The Indiana Lawyer's First Impression Blog. I cannot find the post and so I am thinking it must be a figment of my memory. News with archives, comments, and RSS feed makes this more like the common variety of blogs.
Finally, I would like to mention that Kemplaw is publishing again.